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Our Vision

St Philip's Leap Year seeks to be a leading provider of quality Christian education within our nation, where:

  • Every participant develops a personal faith in Jesus Christ and is empowered to live with purpose, integrity and joy.
  • Every participant achieves their God-given potential and is well-equipped to make a significant contribution to society.
  • Every participant benefits from innovative and effective learning experiences taught by skilled and dedicated instructors and mentors.
  • Every participant enjoys a safe and secure learning environment wherein they feel connected and affirmed.
  • Every participant contributes to a culture of respect, dignity, care and concern for others.
  • Every participant has access to excellent learning resources and is taught in the best learning facilities we can provide.

Our Mission

St Philip's Christian College will continue to provide quality education in a caring, secure and challenging learning environment based on Christian beliefs, values and practice.

Our Prayer

Almighty God whom truly to know is eternal life, grant us perfectly to know your Son Jesus Christ to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life, that following in the steps of your holy apostle St Philip, we may steadfastly walk in the way that leads to eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.