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Academic Research and Writing


Unlock academic excellence, mastering research, writing, and presentation for scholarly success.

Academic Research and Writing will equip you with essential scholarly skills in quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and referencing. You will develop proficiency in academic research, including finding, evaluating, and critiquing sources for projects or papers. Enhance critical and creative writing abilities to synthesize ideas and themes and improve your oral and visual presentation skills. Assessments include demonstrating academic skills, completing a literature review, and delivering an individual presentation. The course covers scholarly principles, ethical considerations, research strategies, writing and editing, structuring literature reviews, and effective presentation techniques. Prepare yourself for future academic pathways! 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply scholarly principles of quoting, paraphrasing, citing and referencing
  2. Demonstrate proficiency in academic research, finding, evaluating and critiquing relevant research for a project/paper
  3. Demonstrate critical and creative academic writing skills in a sustained sythesis of ideas and themes focused on a project/paper
  4. Demonstrate oral presentation and visual representation skills


  1. Academic skill performance 
  2. Literature review 
  3. Individual presentation

Subject Content

  • Scholarly principles, practices and tools
  • Researching
  • Organising research
  • Writing and editing skills
  • Literature review
  • Presenting skills