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Meet the Head of Campus

It is a great honour to introduce myself as the Head of Campus at Dynamic Learning College Cessnock, where I lead a team of exceptional educators who pioneer tailored learning programs that empower children and young people. 

This role is a continuation of a unique and joyful professional journey in education. I have held a wide variety of roles, including as a Kindergarten RFF teacher, HSC mentor teacher, Head of Senior School, Head of Junior School, Principal, and over 25 years working in several St Philip’s colleges.

More recently, I have worked at the mainstream campus of St Philip’s Christian College Cessnock as the Head of HSIE whilst I completed my Master of Educational Leadership. I have a heart for our local community and for growing the connection between mainstream and Dynamic Learning campuses, where many of our families have children enrolled in both.

Having supported my own children in battling social anxiety, overcoming personal trauma, consulting psychiatrists, and going on to thrive, I have become keenly aware of the need for families to find tailored pathways to success in learning. 

I am compelled by a vision built on the conviction that God has created each of us with a unique gifting, calling and passion in life. Therefore, every student has something to offer, and it is our role as educators to work with families to discover what each student needs to thrive and contribute.

It is my desire to see students, staff, parents, and allies partner together to grow our students on a flourishing campus, with clear purpose, healthy relationships, positive culture, excellence in learning, and which promotes the wellbeing of all. Together, I want to ensure that every student knows that they are seen, loved and equipped to reach their God given potential and purpose.

If this is your heart also, then I invite you to join us on this adventure. I look forward to meeting and working with you. 

Malcolm East
Head of Campus