At St Philip’s Christian College Gosford, we are dedicated to nurturing students and staff intellectually, ethically, emotionally, and socially, guiding them to become outward-looking citizens who understand their true purpose to love God and others.
The heart of our educational philosophy is the commitment to ‘ignite passion and purpose in our students for the whole of life’. We recognise that learning is not confined solely to the classroom and we therefore seek to cultivate lifelong learners by developing the whole child – emotionally, intellectually, socially, physically and spiritually; an education embedded with the truth of the Christian Gospel.
Our ‘Whole of Life Framework’ demonstrates three dimensions that we believe help to guide and enrich this educational journey for all our students within a Christ-centred framework: Growing, Learning, and Serving. "Growing" emphasises the whole student considering their wellbeing, personal engagement and emotional intelligence.
"Learning" focuses on deeper learning in acquiring the skills and understanding needed for lifelong learning, while "Serving" encourages us to actively consider our own faith, and engage in helping others and making a positive impact within the world.
Together, these dimensions create a holistic approach to education that prepares students for success both inside and outside the classroom, whilst also developing them into Christ-centred graduates who are:
These dimensions work together throughout our College, building within students a rich understanding of who they are and developing in them our core values of:
Christ First
Serve One Another
Build Community
Strive for Excellence
Do What is Right
Dimension 1: Growing
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” - Psalm 139:14
Positive Wellbeing
To embrace God’s desire for us to flourish and proactively equip our community with skills to maintain personal physical, emotional, social and mental health.
Student Engagement
To guide students to positively see themselves as lifelong learners, who actively participate in their own development, both in the classroom and in the wider sphere of activities.
Character Development
To encourage people to embrace who God designed them to be and become people who reflect His design for humanity.
The Growing Dimension in our Learning Framework reflects our commitment to holistic learning, where academic progress is complemented by a strong focus on emotional, social, and personal development. This dimension emphasises positive wellbeing, with dedicated student support systems in place to proactively nurture mental health, resilience, and a growth mindset. It also encourages gifts and talents which are seen beyond the classroom. We believe in developing the whole child and encourage students to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and self-understanding as they move through Junior, Middle and Senior School. By fostering an environment where students feel supported and valued, St Philip’s Christian College aims to build confidence and emotional intelligence in our students, empowering them to become independent in their own personal and academic journeys.
Dimension 2: Learning
“And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” – Colossians 3:17
Deeper Learning
To engage in meaningful, transformative learning experiences that lead to understanding and mastery.
Future Readiness
To intentionally equip life-long learners in order to ignite their passion and develop their purpose.
Expert Educators
To empower staff to be expert teachers of excellence, passion and purpose.
Learning is at the heart of our educational approach, where we strive to develop in students a love for learning. With the guidance of expert teachers, students engage in challenging, thought-provoking lessons that encourage deeper learning, academic rigour and future readiness. Our curriculum is designed to build foundational skills, encourage critical thinking and problem-solving, and inspire creativity, ensuring that students are equipped not only with knowledge but also with the skills necessary to navigate a rapidly changing world. By focusing on both academic excellence and personal growth, we prepare our students for their learning journey here at the College as well as the complexities of their future.
Dimension 3: Serving
''Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” – 1 Peter 4:10
Biblical Foundations
To ground our learning, values, and actions in the truth and wisdom of God’s Word, fostering a deeper relationship with Christ.
Compassionate Service
To inspire students to serve others selflessly, reflecting Christ’s love through empathy, kindness, and action.
Christian Leadership
To develop leaders of integrity, courage, and vision who influence the world for Christ through servant-hearted leadership.
The Serving Dimension stems from our Biblical foundations, focusing on the importance of Christ and His example of service and relationship. Rooted in the values of compassion, humility, and love, the Serving Dimension encourages students to put their faith into action through service to others. Whether through local or global initiatives, students are encouraged to live out the teachings of Christ by engaging in acts of kindness and making a positive impact on the world around them. Christian community is also central to this dimension, as students work together to build a caring, inclusive environment where everyone is valued and respected. Through encouraging a spirit of service, St Philip’s Christian College Gosford helps students understand the profound responsibility they have to contribute to the wellbeing of others and to serve others as agents of positive change in society.
Educational Research
Current educational research supports the idea that a holistic approach to education, like the one represented by our three dimensions—Growing, Learning and Serving—has significant benefits for student development.
As educators, we know that the relationship between wellbeing and learning is “reciprocal and interconnected”[i]. Studies show that academic learning (the Learning Dimension) is more effective when it is coupled with emotional and social growth (the Growing Dimension), fostering resilience, motivation, and self-regulation.
Wellbeing has been described as a dynamic state encompassing the potential to achieve one’s personal and social goals[ii] and is associated with students’ academic performance across countries[iii]. “Wellbeing is linked to improved academic achievement, enhanced mental health and responsible life choices.”[iv]
Academic performance and long-term success for students is enhanced by their own social-emotional learning, promoting self-awareness, self-management, and interpersonal skills. A such, improved outcomes for students’ wellbeing are positively associated with improved outcomes in all other aspects of schooling – “Positive psychological characteristics have been linked to a range of outcomes including academic achievement, fewer risky behaviours, and better physical health in adulthood.”[v] The Department of Education in their research paper entitled Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia[vi] comment that “Wellbeing and a strong sense of connection, optimism and engagement enable children to develop a positive attitude to learning.” Therefore, students with a greater level of wellbeing are more likely to experience improved academic outcomes.
The Serving Dimension of our Learning Framework, which emphasises community engagement and service learning, develops within students increased empathy, improved social skills, and a sense of responsibility. Studies[vii] show that students who participate in service learning show higher levels of academic achievement, stronger interpersonal relationships, and a deeper understanding of social issues. Studies also indicate the positive increase in students’ wellbeing, sense of purpose and connection with others as a result of volunteering and serving[viii]. Service learning, and a commitment to looking at the world outside of a student’s immediate context, develops stronger critical thinking skills, leadership qualities, and an increased understanding of social issues, making this dimension a crucial component of developing our students for ‘the whole of their life’.
By integrating these three dimensions, St Philip’s Christian College, Gosford aligns with best practices in education that not only aim for academic success but also develop the whole student, encouraging them to know their true purpose; to love God and love others.
[ii] Borgonovi and Pál, A Framework for the Analysis of Student Well-Being in the PISA 2015 Study.
[iii] Govorova, Benitez and Muniz, 2020. How Schools Affect Student Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Approach in 35 OECD Countries.
[iv] As above
[v] Durlak et al. 2011 as cited in
[vi] Department of Education and Training 2009, Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, Canberra, <>.page 10.
“Evidence shows that higher levels of wellbeing are linked to higher academic achievement, school competition, better overall mental health and a more pro-social and responsible lifestyle.” (
“The well-being of students leads to improved focus, willingness to learn, and enhanced cognitive abilities, all of which are essential components of academic success.” (