Embark on an educational journey that serves and endures for the whole of life.

A whole of life education
With over 900 staff and 5000 students, the St Philip's family is a rapidly growing network of learning communities which provides whole of life education and care to children from Early Learning through to Tertiary Education.
At St Philip's we’re motivated to deliver exceptional, whole education. We passionately believe in the need for independent, accessible education that develops the whole child – intellectually, socially, physically and spiritually; environments that maintain exceptional educational standards, embedded with the truth of the Christian Gospel.

Journey with St Philip's
A unique enterprising spirit is woven into the fabric here at St Philip's. Pioneering threads emerge from each college, centre, and initiative.
Over four decades, we’ve continued to challenge ourselves to step forward and carve new paths; to explore and create better ways forward in education; and to equip students with holistic foundations, embedded in Christian values, for the whole of life.
Our learning communities

Early Learning
Early Learning
Narnia Christian Preschool and Early Childhood Centres are the dedicated early childhood facilities of St Philip's Christian Education. These centres cater to children from 0 to 5 years old and are located adjacent to the Kinder to Year 12 colleges.

The St Philip's group of colleges consists of a growing number of co-educational Kindergarten to Year 12 colleges located across Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Port Stephens, and the Central Coast. While each college has its unique characteristics, they share a consistent learning journey for every student.
Tailored Education
Tailored Education
Within our Tailored Education sector we cater for students with diagnosed mental health disorders, learning difficulties and/or ASD at our Dynamic Learning College, teenage parents and their children through our Young Parents College, Aboriginal students through our Aboriginal College and the needs of our students outside of the traditional school day at Saints Academy.

Tertiary Education
Tertiary Education
Welcome to the St Philip's Christian Education Tertiary Sector, where we offer unique post-school opportunities in the education sector.
Student life
We aim to develop global citizens who are enriched in their journey with not only a superior academic education, but strong personal integrity and a deep understanding of their inner and outer worlds in which they find themselves. Our educational philosophy goes beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge and skills; we aim to instil a profound appreciation for the richness of life and learning in our students.